Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Crazy, Busy Life~

SO, I have been a little busy around here these days...  It's actually a good thing, my busy life, because my busy-ness is resulting in more photography clients coming in which leaves my 'Cake-A-Week' project over here gathering dust bunnies.  

Wedding Season is here, so my regular Sessions are less during the week to compensate for my Wedding Clients & when I have down time in editing I will be back to start right where I left off. Cake 2.  Hahahaha!  Yes, I only made it to Cake #1 & its already mid-June.  

I have some awesome ideas of cakes & cupcakes, so maybe we will start with that--this weekend, maybe??  Well, check back & see us on Monday to see where we are at & what we've created here at Cake Girl~